SHV30 will be organized by a local and by a scientific organizing committee, under the leadership of the Montserrat Volcano Observatory (MVO), in collaboration with the University of the West Indies Seismic Research Center (UWI-SRC).
Prof J. Barclay (Volcanologist, University of Bristol, UK)
Prof E. Calder (Volcanologist, University of Edinburgh, UK)
Dr E.P. Joseph (Volcanologist, SRC Director, UWI)
Dr K. Pascal (Volcanologist, MVO/UWI-SRC , Chair)
Prof R. Robertson (Volcanologist, UWI-SRC)
Lt Col. A. Ryan (Director, Disaster Management Coordination Agency, Commanding Officer of the Royal Montserrat Defense Force, Montserrat)
Dr G. Ryan (Volcanologist, MVO Director, MVO/UWI-SRC)
Mr. M. Valecha (Multiple business owner and co-founder, Montserrat)
Ms. T. Williams (Education & Outreach Coordinator, MVO, Montserrat)
Ms. T. Williams, (MVO, Chair)
Ms. V. Dubery, (MVO)
Ms. G. Jeswani, (MVO)
Ms. S. Charles, (MVO)
Ms. V. Bass, (MVO)
Mr. C.B. Williams, (MVO)
Mr. M. Fergus, (MVO)
Mr. A. Ramdeane, (MVO)
Ms. A. Juman (UWI-SRC)
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