AVTIS – All-weather Volcano Topography Imaging Sensor
For over 15 years, MVO and researchers from the University of St Andrews, along with others from Lancaster and Reading Universities in the UK, have collaborated on the development and deployment of a unique ground-based millimeter wavelength radar system called AVTIS (All-weather Volcano Topography Imaging Sensor). The AVTIS instrument provides MVO with the capability to monitor changes to the lava dome at the Soufriere Hills volcano around-the-clock, and, thanks to the millimeter wavelength, the lava dome can be scanned even when covered in cloud, a frequent occurrence for a volcano located in the tropics.
The current 3rd generation of the AVTIS instrument (AVTIS3) is a fixed instrument located at Windy Hill, 4 km north of the lava dome. With an unobstructed view of the northern flank of the SHV lava dome, AVTIS can scan the lava dome and provide sub-daily and daily updates on any changes to the size and shape of the dome either from fresh lava extrusion or mass-wasting processing such as dome collapses and rockfall activity.
More information about AVTIS can be found on the University of St Andrews’ Millimetre Wave & EPR Group website.